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Table 1 Whole-blood selenium concentrations in healthy and footrot (FR) affected sheep treated with selenium (FR-Se) or saline (FR-Sal)*

From: Higher whole-blood selenium is associated with improved immune responses in footrot-affected sheep


Median whole-blood Se (range); ng/mL

Month of Treatment





250 (187 351)a

199 (109 278)b

202 (111 323)b


245 (145 340)a

261 (189 317)a

199 (110 295)b


274 (180 396)b

302 (267 403)a

268 (176 408)b


230 (165 302)

288 (157 416)

237 (104 344)

  1. *Adapted from Hall et al. [12]. Footrot-affected sheep (n = 38) were alternately randomized into two treatment groups and at 1-month intervals injected subcutaneously with 5 mg of Se (FR-Se) or with 1-mL of saline solution (FR-Sal) for 15 months. A control group of 19 healthy sheep without FR received no injections. There were 19 sheep/group at 0 and 3 months, 18 to 19 sheep/group at 6 months, and 9 to 14 sheep/group at 15 months.
  2. a, bMedians with different superscripts within month are different (P < 0.05).