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Table 4 Model experimentation and scenarios analysed

From: Controlling disease outbreaks in wildlife using limited culling: modelling classical swine fever incursions in wild pigs in Australia

Scenarios tested


Parameters varied from baseline


Baseline parameters used. No surveillance or control used.


Aerial culling

Baseline parameters used but culling introduced at variable intensities and culling zone widths.

Size of culling zone width: 10, 20, 30, 60, 100 km. Probability of culling a herd: 20, 40, 60, 80, 99%

Aerial vaccination

Baseline parameters used but vaccination introduced at variable intensities and vaccination zone widths.

Size of vaccination zone width: 10, 20, 30, 60, 100 km. Probability of vaccinating half a herd: 20, 40, 60, 80, 99%

Low virulence CSF

A CSF strain of moderate virulence was introduced.

The within herd model (Model 1) was used with 30% mortality assumption to generate new parameters for the between herd model.


Herd immune period increased to 135, 666 4003 days (lowest, most likely, highest). Probability that all individuals in a herd die of CSF decreased (0.10).

Comparison between non-spatial and spatial modelling assumptions

A non-spatial model was parameterised as for the spatial modelling, except non-spatial disease transmission was assumed using a non-spatial, homogenously mixing population.

Disease transmission occurred homogenously using a probability derived from an equation rather than through spatial proximity (see Additional file 2). A baseline and culling scenario was conducted.