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Figure 2 | Veterinary Research

Figure 2

From: Genetic, histochemical and biochemical studies on goat TSE cases from Cyprus

Figure 2

Discriminatory immunoblot of goats with PrP Sc accumulation in the brain stem. Antibody-binding ratios P4/L42 and the differences of the molecular weights of proteinase K treated, unglycosylated PrPSc bands/form in contrast to the molecular weight of the sheep scrapie control are shown of bovine (R8/09), ovine (486) and caprine (ZG01) BSE, of ovine scrapie (Stdl. 171) and all Cypriot caprine scrapie samples. P4/L42 ratios were calculated as the intensity of the signal strength from P4 versus L42 gained from Western blot.  Y-axis: dark grey, P4/L42 antibody binding ratio (AE = arbitrary unit), data obtained by two gel runs;  light grey, difference molecular weight of the un-glycosylated form of the PrPSc sample and scrapie control (kDa), data obtained by four to five gel runs.

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