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Table 1 Evaluation criteria for pathological changes in the tracheal ring

From: Inflammatory responses and barrier disruption in the trachea of chicks following Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection: a focus on the TNF-α-NF-κB/MLCK pathway

Histopathological scores

Histopathological changes in tracheal rings

0 (no lesion)

Normal cilia movement around the tracheal ring tissue culture, no shedding of epithelial cells

1 (mild)

50–95% of cilia around the tracheal ring tissue culture stop moving, epithelial cells do not shed

2 (moderate)

Tracheal ring tissue cultures with more than 95% cilia cessation of motility around them and incomplete shedding of epithelial cells

3 (severe)

Tracheal ring tissue cultures without a single ciliary movement around the perimeter, with epithelial cell shedding