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Figure 3 | Veterinary Research

Figure 3

From: Epidemiological characterization and risk assessment of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus 2 (RHDV2/b/GI.2) in the world

Figure 3

Seasonal index (Si) of RHDV2 outbreaks in the global Northern and Southern Hemispheres. A Seasonal index (Si) of RHDV2 outbreaks in the Northern Hemisphere. B Seasonal index (Si) of RHDV2 outbreaks in the Southern Hemisphere. The bar charts indicate the number of RHDV2 outbreaks per month. The number of outbreaks can be viewed on the left axis. Green bar charts indicate the number of domestic rabbit outbreaks per month, blue bars green bars indicate the number of wild rabbit outbreaks per month, and orange bar charts indicate the number of outbreaks in all rabbits (regardless of species) per month. The values of the Si are marked on the right coordinate axis. The green triangle line represents the Si for domestic rabbit outbreaks, the blue square line represents the Si for wild rabbit outbreaks, and the orange circle line represents the Si for all rabbit outbreaks (regardless of species). The red dotted line indicates that the value of Si = 1, representing no seasonal characteristics.

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